lördag 9 november 2013

Hot chocolate


Today we are going to make some nice hot chocolate, perfect for the colder months. I thought that this would be a good time to show you since it is starting to get winter in most places.
In this recipe you can change the amount of sugar dependig on how sweet you want your chocolate to be. And if you are going to add marshmallows to you chocolate, think of that the marshmallows will give extra sweetness to your drink. This would be perfect after a cold day out in the snow. Hope you enjoy this recipe and want to try it out. With this easy recipe you will be able to make one mug of hot chocolate.

the finished hot chocolate

You will need:

2 dl milk
2 tbs cacao
3 tbs sugar

1. Start with to heat up your milk on the stove. (It does not need to be boiling just as hot as you want your chocolate.)
2. Put in the cacao and mix untill it is all smooth.
3. Mix in the sugar and stir.
4. Pour in the finished product in to a nice mug and you can top it of with some cream or marsmallows and some chocolate crumbs.

So that was that super easy recipe hope you found it intresting and helpful.
